Sunday 12 October 2014

10 Most Common Skin Disorders

If you’ve recently learned that you have a type of skin disorder, please know that you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with some type of skin disorder every year. The good thing is that most skin disorders are treatable and many are curable.

The following list is made up of the top 10 most common skin disorders:

1. Acne—Acne is so common that it is usually not even thought of as a skin disorder. Almost everybody experiences acne at one point in his or her life. Most acne can be treated with home remedies or over-the-counter products, but those who experience severe acne can visit a dermatologist in order to find out the best type of treatment for their skin.

2. Allergic reactions—If your skin comes into contact with anything that you are allergic to, several types of rashes can appear. For rashes that do not resolve once the allergen has been removed, prescription treatments can be provided by your dermatologist. 

3. Eczema—Eczema usually appears as dry, red, and inflamed skin. The affected skin can burn and itch. Eczema is most commonly treated with topical creams or ointments, but your doctor can also prescribe oral medications, if needed.

4. Common warts—Warts can pop up almost anywhere on the body, at almost any time. This is because they are caused by the human papilloma virus, or HPV. Warts are extremely contagious when the HPV virus is still active in your body, and can be spread by contact. They most commonly appear on the hands, fingers, and arms. 

5. Rosacea—Rosacea is an inflammatory disease that occurs in adults. It appears on the face, making it look red or flushed. Small bumps can also form, resembling acne bumps. While there is no cure for rosacea, there are many treatments available.

6. Psoriasis—Similar to eczema, psoriasis is characterized by red, scaly patches that can burn or itch. Although it can occur at any age, psoriasis is most likely to appear in the late 20s or early to mid-30s. Like rosacea, there is no cure for psoriasis, but there are treatment options available to help alleviate the symptoms and control the disease.

7. MelanomaMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that is caused by overexposure to the dangerous UV rays of the sun. People with fair skin are more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma because their skin is more prone to damage from the sun. There are multiple different treatments for melanoma, and complete curability is achievable if melanoma is caught early.

8. Moles—Most people have moles somewhere on their skin. Most moles are completely harmless and appear brown, pink, or flesh colored. Moles can be flat or raised and are usually round in shape. If you notice that your mole has uneven borders, looks asymmetrical, is multiple different colors, and/or is larger than 6mm, please consult with your doctor.

9. Staph infection—Staph infections, along with a few other types of bacterial skin infections, are commonly contracted in unsanitary places such as locker rooms or bathrooms. These bacterial infections are best avoided by using good hygiene, but can be effectively treated by your dermatologist if needed.

10. Other types of skin cancer (excluding melanoma) — Collectively known as non-melanoma skin cancer, the most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These types of cancer most commonly appear in sun-exposed areas and do not heal without treatment. They are easily treated and cured if caught early. 

Remember, the key to treating all skin disorders is to catch the problem early and seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

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